Moniluxury | Our Mission
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Mission Statement


Why We Started 


We did a very extensive survey with women from all over the world, e.g England, America, Africa, Caribbean islands & many more other places. To find out why loyal shoppers have started to bounce from one luxury brand to another instead of shopping with their main luxury brand. 


Which leads us to ask ourselves one very important question.


What could be the reason for why loyal customers are now seeking out other luxury brands?


Data Revelation


Our data revealed that 90% of women didn’t like the idea of having to bounce from one luxury brand to another as it was tedious, stressful and very time consuming.However our they felt that their hands were tied , meaning that they had to start shopping with different luxury brands, due to the lack consistency in the quality of products they were purchasing from their favourite luxury brands.


The Birth of Moni 


Having gone through hours of data you can imagine how this all came as one big shock. It was sad to know that this is how 90% of women felt but we totally understood.


Why would you continue to place your trust in any luxury brand even your favourite luxury brand if their products are consistency lacking the quality that you expect???


With all the data that we had collected, it gave us the insight we needed and we understood our assignment straight away.


And just like that “MONI” was birthed. 


Our Mission


Our mission is to build a relationship with you and give you the products that you desire along with the quality that you expect. 


 We have eliminated all your previous stressful shopping experiences by creating a service where you can now get all your desired products without having to question the quality of the products, as we will only give you products of the highest quality.


Experts have said that stated that this level of quality is normally found along with a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


Our Service 


​Here at “Moni” we sell Luxurious Bundles , Closures/Frontals which come in various inches and textures, Luxurious 3D Mink Lashes which come in 13 different  styles and more, Luxurious wigs which come in different colours and sizes along with many more items. 


If you have any enquires please email us at:

​And Remember, "Life gets easier with Moni"




Oloni wearing Hair Extensions from Moni Hair company
Rebecca Winter  wearing Hair Extensions From Moni Hair Company
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